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The Connected Generation with Nike Anani

Jul 12, 2022

Gauri is a mother of three, and executive parent and emotional intelligence coach, with an extensive clinical and academic background in medicine psychiatry and psychotherapy. Gauri graduated in medicine from the University of Bristol where she was also awarded a first-class honors in Bioethics. She has worked in the NHS as a doctor and clinical academic, with specialist experience in psychiatry and psychotherapy.

Please see the disclaimer below from Gauri:

DISCLAIMER: Any information or advice I give is purely based on my own experience. Comments made are as a coach- this is not medical or psychiatry advice. There is no guarantee as there are many variables that will impact outcomes. Everything stated should be taken as opinion.

I'm excited to announce that my book Lifetime to Legacy launched on June 21st! The book is all about how to take your family business from a lifetime business to a legacy business. To order you may buy on Amazon here